Support Scouting

One of the strengths of Scouting is the way that many people pull together to coordinate wonderful events and activities for the youth in our programs. In the Samoset Council, we have hundreds of volunteers who donate their time and energies to make sure our members receive the best program and support available. 

The dollars we raise locally go to directly support the youth and adults of Samoset Council. We are committed to raising funds to ensure that the Scouting program can continue to grow with a quality program that youth deserve. 

The youth of today are America’s future leaders. You can help shape that future by investing in Scouting today. Explore the many ways below you can make a difference for the youth of Samoset Council. 

Ways to Invest in Scouting

  • Crystal Lake Construction Crew – volunteer your time to help with a camp project
  • Endowment Campaign – ensure the future of Scouting and Samoset Council
  • Friends of Scouting – provide annual support of our programs
  • Popcorn Sale – help Scouts earn money for their activities and support Samoset Council at the same time
  • Volunteer – invest your time in the life of a child

Our Sponsors

Samoset Scouting