Popcorn Sale

Show & Sell Details:

  • July 22: Orders due for pickup the week of Aug 4. Location TBD.
  • August 26: Orders due for pickup the week of Sep 15. Locations TBD.

Take Order Details:

  • September 21 – Popcorn Take Order Begins
  • October 20 – Popcorn Sale Ends
  • October 23 – Popcorn Orders & Prize Orders Due
  • November 8 & 9 – Take Order Delivery Pickup 
  • December 2 – Unit Popcorn Checks Cashed

Popcorn & Prize Orders Due Wednesday, October 23:

  1. Place your take-order on the Pecatonica website. Use this worksheet to help.
  2. Pecatonica Winner’s Circle Prizes on the Pecatonica website.
  3. Order prizes through Keller website.
  4. Submit the master sales record to the council using this link.

Units can setup a table in front of  select Roundy’s Stores (see links in the document below).  Please be respectful and only request booths in the neighborhoods of your unit.  Roundy’s Supermarkets Inc. reserves the right to refuse requests based on location eligibility. In the case of inclement weather, the event may be canceled, the Store Director reserves to right to determine if the event can be rescheduled.

  • 2025 Roundy’s Store Signup (coming August 2025)
Samoset Scouting