Hello Scouters, Scouts, and Parents,

If you have any topics that you would like presented at future roundtable meetings, please send your ideas to Nicholle.Miller@samoset.org or dwweis@frontier.com.

The meeting will start at 7pm on Thursday, March 4th and open with a click on the following link.https://zoom.us/j/3331034965?pwd=L0taTSthMzBpcUJuYkhuVm00Vkhidz09 Passcode: 123456

This portion of the meeting will cover the following topics and will last for around 30 minutes.

  • Opening flags, Scout Oath, and Law
    • Hot Topics – Scouting for Food
  • National Safety Moment – Guide to Safe Scouting
  • Samoset Council topics –
    • Sea Scouts
    • Wood Badge 2021
    • Recruiting update
    • Cub-O-Rama volunteers needed
    • Q & A

Once the above session is complete, we will be going to our break-out groups. Instead of joining a new meeting, you will select your break-out group (Cub-Scouts or Scouts BSA).

For Cub Scouts: Topics will be Annual Planning Conference, Cub-A-Rama, followed by an open Q&A session, and then adjourning the Roundtable meeting or you may leave the break-out room and return the main meeting.

For Scouts BSA: Topics will be Recap of Klondike days, Upcoming Merit Badges, The Scouting Journey followed by an open Q&A session, and then adjourning the round table meeting or you may leave the break-out room and return the main meeting.

If you are attending with a computer, the breakout room icon will be located down by the rest of the controls.

If you are attending with a phone, the breakout room icon will be in the top left corner and look like this:

Nicholle Miller
Unit Service Executive